Introduction: New Handle for an Old Knife

This used to atomic number 4 a sliver knife that matched the unusual knives in the tongue block. Then on that point was my Word. Somehow, he seems to manage to disassemble things that I did not know came apart. He just has to understand how things work and how they were made. Who knew that the handle tush comprise removed from a knife? (Granted, I did not know that the hands break away lego people so maybe I am just unimaginative.)

I needed to figure out a new handle since the stab is still healthy. It will likely last up in the camping stash total spring. My 2 boys love to glucinium abandoned in the woods overnight to fend for themselves.

I considered using wood scraps to fashion a comfortable handle but that seemed equivalent a pile of influence and I was not sure I was up to the challenge. I really wanted something that was going to stick up well in water. I also wanted something that, if my son distinct to disassemble IT again, I did not wealthy person a lot of effort invested..

I have been inquisitory instructables sounding for some sort of plastic handgrip I could form. Then I remembered reading an instructable about melting plastic bags to get a stiff rainproof fabric. Check out "Plastic Bag Framework" by Lego set man. I did try making this once ahead (a rather durable wallet) so I had very high hopes information technology would work here.

Added bonus: This externalize price nothing and reused a few pliant bags.

Step 1: Materials:

I put-upon:
Plastic grocery bags--I victimized 5
Electric branding iron
Parchment paper

Step 2: Wrapping the Handle

To make out the bags into strips, I neatly two-dimensional the bag out. Then folded it in half and in one-half again. I lop off the bed of the bag and and then started on making the strips. I went with just about an inch wide because information technology was pretty simple to control. Too wide and it just got messy.

Wind the stab handle as tightly as possible so that you avoid as many air bubbles as possible. I held the strip at an tip over so that I could blanket most of the handle expanse and overlap the edges of the plastic.

When I got a whole strip of impressionable built up, I got out the cast-iron. Place the knife between 2 layers of parchment paper. You do not require to have to neaten the peck that you get if you touch a plastic bag with a popular iron. The lambskin paper just peels off the fictile once it has cooled. Set your iron between polyester and rayon--from the instructable I read. My iron does not have these settings. I choose silk in the beginning but I ended up warming it all the mode up to almost wool.

Press the fictile to melt it into the holes of the knife handle.

Step 3: Built Up the Cover With To a greater extent Plastic.

Enclose the stab again with another strip of formative pocket. Campaign again.

If you wrap too many layers before you press once again, you may not be able to heating plant it the whole way through and the strips slip and slither around.

Be cautious. The knife will be hot for different minutes after pressing it with the iron. Concurrently, the blade may atomic number 4 acuate. If your blade is not unpleasant when you offse, I would wait until you take in finished the handle before I pointed information technology.

Repeat the wrap and hotness process until you have built up a comfortable grip. You can grind down or grit whatsoever rough spots only if you wrap neatly, it may non be necessary.

I launch that I wanted the middle of the cover to be thicker than the ends, thusly I had to iron creatively. I started in the middle of the handle then slid it down towards the end pressing into the handle with the edge of the iron. I also held the knife leaf blade on its side to iron the edges of the handle.

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